There are 30 pilots in all. Each pilot will have its own benefits when using it. The maximum level of the pilot is 20 and the stats will increase when upgrading
Increase power booster drop rate (3.6% at lv1, +0.6% each level) Slow down flight velocity rate of Alien (3.7% at lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase active time of Shield Booster (1s at lv1, +0.1s each level)
Increase power booster drop rate (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase active time of Drone (1.1s at Lv1. +0.15s each level) Increase gold received at the end (3.5% at Lv1, +0.7% each level)
Increase power booster drop rate (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase Drone drop rate (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase drop of Stone (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level)
Increase power booster drop rate (1.8% at Lv1, +0.3% each level) Increase damage for PVP drone skin (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase damage of Bomb Booster (7.2% at Lv1, +1.2% each level)
Increase power booster drop rate (1.8% at Lv1, +0.3% each level) Slow down bullet velocity rate of Alien (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase active time of Super Power (1.1s at Lv1, +0.15s each level)
Increase damage for drone (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase active time of Drone (1s at Lv1, +0.1s each level) Increase drop of Stone (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level)
Increase damage for drone (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase Drone drop rate (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase active time of Super Power (1s at Lv1, +0.1s each level)
Increase damage for drone (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Slow down bullet velocity rate of Alien (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase gold received at the end (6% at Lv1, +1% each level)
Increase damage for drone (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase damage for PVP drone skin (7.2% at Lv1, +1.2% each level) Increase active time of Shield Booster (1.1s at Lv1, +0.15s each level)
Increase damage for drone (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4s each level) Slow down flight velocity rate of Alien (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase damage of Bomb (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level)
Increase damage for spaceship (4.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase Drone drop rate (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase gold received at the end (3.5% at Lv1, +0.7% each level)
Increase damage for spaceship (2.5% at Lv1, +0.3% each level) Slow down flight velocity rate of Alien (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase drop of stone (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level)
Increase damage for spaceship (2.5% at Lv1, +0.3% each level) Increase damage for PVP drone skin (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase active tiem of Shield Booster (1.1s at Lv1, +0.15s each level)
Increase damage for spaceship (2% at Lv1, +0.2% each level) Slow down bullet velocity rate of Alien (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase damage of Bomb Booster (7.2% at Lv1, +1.2% each level)
Increase damage for spaceship (2% at Lv1, +0.2% each level) Increase active time of Drone (1.2s at Lv1, +0.25s each level) Increase active time of Super Power (1.1s at Lv1, +0.15s each level)
Increase a stronger ship drop rate (3.6% at Lv1, +0.6% each level) Slow down bullet velocity rate of Alien (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase damage of Bomb Booster (3.6% at Lv1, +0.6% each level)
Increase a stronger ship drop rate (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Slow down flight velocity rate of Alien (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase active time of Super Power (1.2s at Lv1, +0.25s each level)
Increase a stronger ship drop rate (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase active time of Drone (1.2s at Lv1, +0.25s each level) Increase Gold received at the end (2.5% at Lv1, +0.5% each level)
Increase a stronger ship drop rate (1.8% at Lv1, +0.3% each level) Increase damage for PVP drone skin (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase drop of Stone (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level)
Increase a stronger ship drop rate (1.8% at Lv1, +0.3% each level) Increase Drone drop rate (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase active time (1.1s at Lv1, +0.15s each level)
Increase for PVP ship skin damage (4.7% at Lv1, +0.7% each level) Increase Drone drop rate (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase drop of Stone (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level)
Increase PVP ship skin damage (2.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Slow down flight velocity rate of Alien (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase Gold received at the end (3.5% at Lv1, +0.7% each level)
Increase PVP ship skin damage (2.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase damage for PVP drone skin (3.6% at Lv1, +0.6% each level) Increase active time of Shield Booster (1.2s at Lv1, +0.25s each level)
Increase PVP ship skin damage (1.8% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Slow down bullet velocity rate of Alien (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase damage of Bomb Booster (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level)
Increase PVP ship skin damage (1.8% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase active time of Drone (1.2s at Lv1, +0.25s each level) Increase active time of Super Power (1.1s at Lv1, +0.15s each level)
Increase power booster drop rate (3.6% at Lv1, +0.6% each level) Increase damage for Drone (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Slow down bullet velocity rate of Alien (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level)
Increase damage for drone (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase active time of Drone (1.1s at Lv1, +0.15s each level) Increase damage for PVP drone skin (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level)
Increase damage for spaceship (4.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Slow down flight velocity rate of Alien (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level) Increase a stronger ship drop rate (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level)
Increase a stronger ship drop rate (3.6% at Lv1, +0.6% each level) Increase power booster drop rate (2.4% at Lv1, +0.4% each level) Increase Drone drop rate (3.7% at Lv1, +0.5% each level)
Increase active time of Super Power (1.2s at Lv1, +0.25s each level) Increase damage of Bomb Booster (4.8% at Lv1, +0.8% each level) Increase active time of Shield Booster (1.1s at Lv1, +0.15s each level)
Last updated